Part of: Fire Detection and Life Safety Systems

Emergency voice communications systems can have several different elements within any given building, including disabled refuge systems, fire telephone systems, paging systems (for people with hearing difficulties) and disabled toilet alarms.

Within the Equality Act -2010, formerly The Disability Discrimination Act, it is the responsibility of all companies to ensure that access to buildings and services is available to everyone, removing any form of discrimination.

We supply and install emergency voice communication (EVC) systems to provide two-way communication during the evacuation of a building during a fire or other emergency. The EVC system not only allows firefighters to communicate with one another during emergency situations but also allows additional communication with disabled persons and members of the public seeking assistance. All our systems meet the requirements of BS5839 Part 9.


Dry Risers and Wet Risers
Fire Hydrants and Pumps
Sprinkler Systems
Fire Detection and Life Safety Systems
Fire and smoke damper inspection and testing
Fire and Smoke Damper Inspection and Testing
Security Systems
Support sertvice and maintenance
Support Service and Maintenance
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