A clean working environment is vital to the success of any organisation. It gives a positive first impression to clients, visitors and the world outside that yours is an efficient place to do business with. It also gives employees a pleasant, healthy place in which to operate, directly influencing their productivity.
Research has shown how a clean, uncluttered workplace avoids many of the bacteria that can lead to illness and absenteeism. A typical office keyboard can contain up to 7,500 bacteria. A clean and ordered environment saves employees from wasting time looking for documents or cleaning their own workspace. This, along with reduced absenteeism, leads to greater profitability.
PTSG Building Access Specialists Ltd. is one of the UK’s market leaders in delivering specialist cleaning services across in a wide range of property management agencies. Interior cleaning is one of its most popular services and our highly skilled operatives are involved in fixed one-off contracts with organisations within the PMA sector. They come to depend on our expertise and efficiency.
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