
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Inside PTSG. I hope you and your families are continuing to stay well.

Cautious optimism continues to grow as we move towards the next stage in relaxing the lockdown rules on 12th April. This will see shops and close-contact services allowed to re-open, restaurants and pubs allowed to serve food and alcohol to customers sitting outdoors and members of the same household allowed to holiday in England in self-contained accommodation.

All this is excellent news for the UK economy and will have positive knock-on effects in all sectors. Within construction and FM, PTSG has maintained full service levels for its 20,000 customers across all four divisions.

This issue of Inside PTSG shows a small snapshot of projects ongoing or completed in various parts of the UK in Access & Safety, Electrical Services, Building Access and Fire Solutions.

Insight is a special feature on our Chairman, John Foley, who I’m delighted to announce won this year’s lifetime achievement title at the PFM Partnership Awards. John has been my close colleague and friend for many years and without him, PTSG wouldn’t be the company it is.

I wish you all the best and look forward to keeping you informed of further updates from the business.

Best wishes

Paul Teasdale

Project: BBC Broadcasting House

Its technicians recently completed an extensive clean of all the windows at the famous BBC Broadcasting House.

Insight: PTSG Chairman John Foley

John Foley, Chairman of PTSG, was honoured with the Peter Middup Lifetime Achievement Award in PFM’s virtual ceremony on 17th April.

Our Bundled Services

PTSG, through its bundled services, offers a genuine multi-disciplinary capability to clients. This often provides them with the complete specialist services solution.

In the news

PTSG to deliver multiple services for Home Office

PTSG delivers specialist services at RAF Mildenhall

PTSG takes prudent approach to building maintenance

PTSG transforms TalkTalk Data Centre

PTSG contracted for further services at Kidbrooke development

McCarthy & Stone renews contract with PTSG