Between 20th August and 4th September 2022, an outbreak of legionellosis was reported in San Miguel de Tucuman. There were 19 reported cases in total, with six tragic deaths.

The Argentine Ministry of Health confirmed that the outbreak was caused by the bacterial infection legionella pneumphila, which can cause legionnaires’ disease. At least three of the people who died were health workers.

Legionellosis is a pneumonia-like illness that varies in severity from mild febrile illness to a serious and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia.

What is the risk for businesses in the UK?

Outbreaks of the illness occur from exposure to legionella bacteria growing in purpose-built systems where water is maintained at a temperature high enough to encourage growth, such as cooling towers, evaporative condensers, hot and cold water systems and spa pools used in all sorts of premises (work and domestic).

PTSG Water Treatment Ltd is a member of the Legionella Control Association (LCA) and has vast experience in protecting organisations in all industry sectors from Legionella.

We work with building owners to ensure all their responsibilities are met under the Health and Safety Act 1974:

  • Our risk assessment follows the guidance set out in BSEN 8580:2010, reporting on the condition of plant and advising of any remedial action necessary in order to minimise the risk from Legionella bacteria.
  • We are a trusted partner to our customers, offering comprehensive water hygiene, water treatment and remedial services.
  • Our focus is on reliability and sustainability and saving companies time and money.

Legionella training courses

Our courses are aimed at those in a position of responsibility for a water system in any property, including employers, employees, landlords and letting agents.

Our Legionella open training sessions are for groups of up to fifteen people from a wide range of different organisations. The courses are targeted at people working in facilities, engineering and maintenance roles. Our training sessions are a great opportunity to network with like-minded individuals from a wide range of companies.

Training includes:

  • Introduction to Legionella and water hygiene
  • New legislation
  • Introduction to water services
  • Bacteria and water contaminates
  • The implications of disease
  • Water systems and treatment
  • What is Legionella bacteria?
  • Legionella control and management
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Case Study
  • Questions