Part of: Steeplejack Services

Maintaining flare stacks has become its own specialised industry, and PTSG has led the way in developing the best techniques to maintain these tall and complex structures.

From flare tip removals and replacements, to general external maintenance, PTSG delivers an unrivalled service with regards to the expert techniques required for executing works on these structures.

Inspections and routine maintenance form a crucial part of our flare stack regime. PTSG offers the expertise needed to maintain and extend the life of an operational flare stack, as well as dramatically reducing the shutdown periods of individual flare stacks.

We carry out all work to the highest standard, whilst offering the most cost-effective programme for the client. We provide detailed reports following every inspection, making sure that our clients are always fully aware of the condition of their equipment, as well as the standard to which we have carried out work.

Rope Access Services
Steeplejack Services
Building fabric maintenance and decoration
Building Fabric Maintenance and Decoration
Specialist facade cleaning
Specialist Façade Cleaning
Access equipment hire
Access Equipment Hire
Window cleaning
Window Cleaning
Glazing services
Glazing Services
Roof and Gutter Maintenance
Maintenance – Other
Building fabric surveys
Building Fabric Surveys
Our Divisions