Business continues at PTSG
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Inside PTSG.
PTSG has made a controlled return to work across all four of its business divisions, commencing on Monday 27th April 2020, after receiving safe working guidance.
Earlier this month, the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) formed a task force to provide a focal point for co-ordinating the building industry response to Covid-19 and to facilitate communication between the industry and government. This task force has now taken government and Public Health England guidelines on safe working practices during the pandemic and developed site operating procedures designed to protect workers.
This collaborative procedure gave us the clear direction we need, as a business, to operate safely. Engineers from across the Group have all received an induction for new operating procedures and risk assessments. The inductions were undertaken electronically, via a secure web link, with a certificate has issued upon completion.
Our business restart process has been managed around customer requirements, listening to our people and ensuring safe working environments. We are working with customers to make sure their compliance requirements are delivered by PTSG’s frontline team, whilst those who can work from home will continue to do so.
We have consistently maintained throughout this public health emergency that our priority is to protect our people from Covid-19, follow all government advice in tackling the virus, and ensure sustainable business continuity. I have absolute confidence that these new working practices will strike the right balance.
I would like to thank all our customers, supply chain and people for their patience and cooperation over the last few weeks. This has been the biggest challenge we could have imagined and we are pleased to be making a controlled return to work, adhering to guidance from the government, senior health officials and the CLC. Please co-ordinate any questions and requirements through your normal point of contact here at PTSG.
I wish you all the best and look forward to keeping you informed of further updates from the business.
Best wishes
Paul Teasdale,
Premier Technical Group Services LTD